Rep. Michele Bachmann is vying for the role of GOP Conference Chair, the #4 leadership position in the House of Representatives. The Minnesota congresswoman first launched herself into the national spotlight by demanding that Democrats be investigated for "anti-American views," and by claiming that Pres. Obama plans to force the nation's children into "re-education camps."
In a Fox News interview on Monday, Bachmann cited as one of her key qualifications the fact that she has over 140,000 Facebook friends. She went on to suggest that having at least 100,000 Facebook friends should be a prerequisite for party leadership.

Following Bachmann's statement, Oreos have come forward to challenge her for the chair. Although Oreos are neither an elected member of Congress, nor an actual person, they appear to be nearly 100 times as qualified as Bachmann, with over 13 million friends.
The House Majority Whip is now expected to be Dr. House, a fictional character who has a few hundred thousand more friends than Oreos, and who may actually increase the civility and good manners of Congress. Vin Diesel is looking to be the House Majority Leader. With nearly 18 million friends, he is one of the most liked people on all of Facebook. Really.
The obvious choice for Speaker of the House is Michael Jackson. With over 23 million friends, he is the most popular human in Facebook history. Although technically dead, he has a healthier skin tone than previously presumed Speaker, Rep. John Boehner (R-OH). Jackson's new album comes out next month.
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